Pyschology 50-58
- 2. In 1920 which behavioural psychologist performed an experiment with an 11-month-old boy and a white rat?
- 4. Which psychologist conducted an experiment with a rat in a cage, demonstrating Operative Conditioning?
- 7. Attention, Retention, Reproduction and Motivation are 4 processes crucial to (blank).
- 8. What scientist was obsessed with the idea that horses could be taught as much a people?
- 11. What is a learned reaction called?
- 15. What is 1 fear Classical Conditioning experiments have tried to cure?
- 17. What did Clever Hans wear, which prevented him from answering questions correctly?
- 1. What are inborn patterns of behaviour that are characteristic of a species?
- 3. Who discovered Classical Conditioning?
- 5. What is an event, situation of condition that increases the likelihood that certain behaviour will recur?
- 6. What is an automatic unlearned action called?
- 9. What is the change in knowledge or behaviour as a result of experience?
- 10. Negative Reinforcement is an event, situation or condition that (blank) the likelihood that certain behaviour with recur.
- 11. Who is Observational Learning particularly important for?
- 12. The results form Bandura's experiments imply that children who watch violent behaviour in their own homes, on television or in sports may be (blank) likely to act aggressively.
- 13. Who conducted an experiment concerning imitating violence with adults, children and an inflatable clown?
- 14. Which psychologist discovered how to use Classical Conditioning to reduce/unlearn fears in children?
- 16. Ivan Pavlov's experiments involved measuring how much saliva (blank) produced when there were given food.