Revolutionary War

  1. 2. The Battle of _______ caused the British to retreat to Boston.
  2. 4. Agreed to lead men in war for relief of Boston.
  3. 6. The colonists began to do this against British rule.
  4. 7. War that Britain had finished fighting that caused them to begin taxing the colonies.
  5. 8. Shared news between the colonies.
  6. 11. Led the colonists in Battle of Bunker Hill.
  7. 16. The colonists did this form of protest when the refused to purchase taxed British goods.
  8. 17. Was one of the first to speak out against the Stamp Act.
  9. 18. The sons of liberty dumped 347 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  10. 19. Taxed all paper products that the colonists bought.
  1. 1. "The shot heard round the world" happened at this battle.
  2. 3. Wove fabric, made tea, and encouraged other colonists to find replacements for taxed British goods.
  3. 5. Battle of Lexington started a war that affected the entire
  4. 9. Volunteer militias that could be ready to fight at a moment's notice.
  5. 10. Stayed true to Britain and King George.
  6. 12. Punished colonists for the Tea Part by forcing them to house soldiers, closing the Boston Harbor, and putting Massachusetts under British control.
  7. 13. Opposed British rule.
  8. 14. Samuel Adams organized this protesting group.
  9. 15. Warned militias in Lexington and Concord.