African Countries

  1. 3. I have been less thought of when it comes to the big names of Africa.
  2. 4. To remember me you’ll need to burn-undy the sun here.
  3. 7. Some of my friends get mad when I get gassy in their car.
  4. 13. genocide happened here not that long ago.
  5. 15. My name rhymes with Tibia.
  6. 17. Want to know where I keep my gold? not gonna tell you.
  7. 19. Some or all of you should visit soon.
  8. 21. Trees are what make our air clean.
  9. 23. My soccer team is ranked 5th in the world.
  10. 24. I mine the most Diamonds in the world.
  11. 26. Zip-zag, zam, and zoom throughz my landz and you’ll learnz my name.
  12. 27. I’m more likely to be a meal here than a pet.
  13. 29. Have you ever been-in this country?
  14. 31. Too much sun on my Mediterranean shores will leave with you with Amnesia which rhymes with my name.
  15. 34. A lot of gabbing goes on in this country.
  16. 35. Sick of winter? Visit mycountry the more tan you’ll be.
  17. 37. Don’t be fooled there ain’t no gambling here.
  18. 38. Even though you might find malls here I’m not named after them.
  19. 40. Lion hunters drink sierra mist in my land.
  20. 41. Bet you didn’t know we play the bongo’s here.
  21. 43. I’m not as cold as my Russian twin.
  22. 44. This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home and this little piggy went to the equator.
  23. 46. I hold the tallest mountain in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  24. 47. My dad says I don’t get as mad as my brother brad.
  25. 48. I have some serious swag in the land where I come from.
  1. 1. I’m known for being at the center of attention in my family
  2. 2. In the desert I’m known as the best of the wild west.
  3. 5. My country earned its name from the tusks of Elephants.
  4. 6. Can ya spell my name?
  5. 7. Curly, larry and the this third stooge can remind you of my name.
  6. 8. It takes real gaul to play football in my country.
  7. 9. In comparison I’m Texas to y’all Pennsylvanians.
  8. 10. I’m not as small as my sister, but i’m not a pig either
  9. 11. My angle and goal is to show you what africa is really like.
  10. 12. My capital and I share the same name.
  11. 14. In the eye of tiger.
  12. 16. The Atlas mountains make my terrain almost as rockin as my name.
  13. 18. you don’t want to drive a 4 door civic in my terrain.
  14. 20. Oh wowie! I tend to have that effect on some.
  15. 22. I rebelled and ceded from my northern family.
  16. 25. My name itself is a riddle.
  17. 26. So here’s my number call me’z m-baybe?
  18. 28. My name rhymes with raccoon, yet I doubt we have those here.
  19. 30. Hey do you want to visit Africa? Nah! maybe some other time.
  20. 32. Come along if you are looking for King Tut down the nile river, while you’re here visit the Pyramids in Cairo.
  21. 33. So well known for my coffee even starbucks sells it.
  22. 36. My name rhymes with cafeteria, but you won’t find French Fries here.
  23. 39. Good luck getting your order to go here!
  24. 42. African Republic I’m known for being at the center of attention in my family.
  25. 45. you gonna travel here eh?