Chapter 4

  1. 1. The content that Freud uses in the theory that elements of a dream are consciously experienced and remembered.
  2. 4. A vivid frightening dream.
  3. 5. acronym for sleep disorder where sleepers airway becomes narrow or blocked.
  4. 6. Sleep disturbance that causes walking or other actions during sleep.
  5. 7. A category of sleep disorder that involves disruption in the amount, quality, or timing of sleep.
  6. 11. Invented by Hans Berger to measure brain waves
  7. 12. Active Sleep
  8. 13. Personal awareness of mental activities, internal sensations, and external environment.
  9. 15. Hormone produced by Pineal Gland that creates sleepiness
  10. 17. Acronym for a sleep disorder will sleepwalker will eat compulsively.
  11. 18. Capacity to selectively focus awareness on particular things in external environment.
  12. 20. Sleep Disorder involving abnormal sexual behavior during sleep.
  1. 2. Sleep disorder that causes excessive daytime sleepiness and brief lapses of sleep throughout day.
  2. 3. A condition where a person regularly experiences an inability to fall asleep
  3. 6. Shot bursts of brain activity during sleep
  4. 8. Single high voltage spike of brain activity during sleep
  5. 9. A category of sleep disorder characterized by arousal or activation during sleep or sleep transitions.
  6. 10. Unfolding sequence of thoughts, perceptions, and emotions, during sleep experienced as real life events.
  7. 13. Sudden loss of voluntary muscle strength and control, usually triggered by an intense emotion.
  8. 14. Acronym for sleep disorder where brain fails to suppress voluntary actions during sleep.
  9. 16. The content that Freud uses in theory that is the unconscious wishes and urges sealed in a dream
  10. 19. Quiet Sleep