Urban Environments

  1. 5. a built-up area, most often known as a city
  2. 6. more luxurious or goods that are purchased on an infrequent basis and generally more costly such as tablet devices or cars.
  3. 9. many settlements in the northern hemisphere are located on south facing sides of valleys where it is sunny
  4. 10. jobs that are neither taxed nor monitored by any form of government
  5. 12. the population shift from rural to urban areas, the corresponding decrease in the proportion of people living in rural areas
  6. 13. a way of arranging settlements based upon their population and range of functions
  7. 15. the movement of people back into an urban area that has been previously abandoned
  8. 17. these were sites that were on high ground and allowed the inhabitants to see enemies from a distance
  9. 18. often settlements developed where natural training points meet such as along rivers or natural route ways
  10. 19. these are sites close to a supply of water
  1. 1. measures the land resources required to support the current consumption levels in a city
  2. 2. the process whereby people move from urban areas to rural areas
  3. 3. the process of changing the character of a neighborhood through the influx of more affluent residents and businesses
  4. 4. a population shift from central urban areas into suburbs, resulting in the formation of urban sprawl
  5. 7. these are sites that avoided the risk of flooding
  6. 8. convenience goods bought on a necessity basis and include items such as bread, milk or rice.
  7. 11. an area served by a settlement which can also be called its hinterland.
  8. 14. the absolute minimum number of people required to support a service and keep it in business?
  9. 16. the maximum distance that customers are prepared to travel to access a good or service.