Urinalysis 1

  1. 2. chemical test used to detect porphobilinogen
  2. 4. ______-smell, odor of urine due to ketoacidocis
  3. 5. urine outpun less than 400mL/day
  4. 7. chemical test used to detect glucose
  5. 10. type of urine reagent strip
  6. 11. porphobilinogen is a precursor of ____.
  7. 14. tablet used to detect ketones
  8. 15. tablet used to detect bilirubin
  9. 16. second substance that cause foam formation
  10. 19. expression of urine concentration
  11. 21. protein that cause foam production in urine
  12. 22. factor that modify urine color
  13. 24. clear red urine and red plasma
  14. 25. test performed to assess type of diabetes insipidus
  15. 26. also known as urine turbidity
  1. 1. increase in urine production during night time
  2. 3. tablet used to detect glucose
  3. 6. urine outpun more than 2500mL/day
  4. 8. presence of RBC in urine
  5. 9. substance that detected by using Watson-Schwatz test
  6. 12. activity that being measured for blood detection in urine
  7. 13. clear red urine but clear plasma
  8. 17. chemical test used to detect protein
  9. 18. pathological cause that might turn urine to milky
  10. 20. cessation of urine flow
  11. 23. yellow pigment in urine