Urinary Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. _____ are more likely to get a UTI.
  2. 4. artificial filtration of the blood by a machine
  3. 8. clumps of crystallized magnesium, calcium, or uric acid that form in the urinary tract.
  4. 10. filtered blood exits through the _____.
  5. 11. outer tissue of the kidney
  6. 12. elevation of urea waste in blood
  7. 14. cluster of capillaries in the nephron
  1. 1. kidneys release this hormone to increase blood volume (number of red blood cells)
  2. 2. urine is moved through the ureters to the bladder by a movement called ______.
  3. 5. filtering unit of the kidneys
  4. 6. blood that needs to be filtered enters through the ______.
  5. 7. inner tissue of the kidney
  6. 9. glucose in the blood can be an indicator of ______.
  7. 13. waste product in urine from the breakdown of proteins
  8. 15. ____ are more likely to get a kidney stone.