Urtės crossword

  1. 2. you can buy coffee there
  2. 4. made of milk
  3. 5. helps you shop
  4. 10. realy loves dogs
  5. 11. cuts your hair
  6. 14. you can get it from bees
  7. 15. runs a bussnines
  8. 16. teaches you
  9. 18. your moms sister
  10. 20. takes care of your pet
  1. 1. its mostly ate for breakfast
  2. 3. meets you at the hotel
  3. 6. drives you to your destination
  4. 7. he acts in a teatre
  5. 8. brings your food
  6. 9. " a home for your food "
  7. 12. builds buildings
  8. 13. works in a hospital
  9. 17. a fizzy drink
  10. 19. its a big screen where you can see movies