US Constitution

  1. 1. Amendment 20 reduces the “lame ___” period
  2. 4. What article states that the ratification of the Constitution by nine states will make it law?
  3. 6. Article 4 Section 4 guarantees every state a ___ form of government
  4. 7. Article 1 Section 3 says each state has how many representatives?
  5. 9. Article 1 Section 2 says the House of Representatives have the sole power of?
  6. 12. Amendment 15 prevents a person from ___ because of race, color, or creed
  7. 13. Amendment 27: Congress cannot accept a pay raise until ___ term.
  8. 15. Article 7 asserts that how many of the original 13 states need to ratify the Constitution before it’s officially put into effect?
  9. 16. What amendment states powers not mentioned in the Constitution are reserved for the state
  10. 20. Article 1 Section 10 are the powers denied to?
  11. 21. Article 3 Section 3 defines the crime of ____
  12. 22. Article 2 Section 2 states that the President can create ___ with the approval of 2/3 of the Senate
  13. 23. What amendment states protection from unreasonable searches and seizures
  14. 25. Article 4 Section 1 establishes that all states must honor all ___ of other states
  15. 27. What amendment states citizens cannot sue a state in a federal court
  16. 28. Article 3 Section 2 guarantees trial by ___
  17. 31. What amendment states allows voters to cast direct votes for U.S. senators.
  18. 32. Amendment 12: Separate ___ for President and Vice President
  19. 37. Amendment 2 gives the right to bear what?
  20. 38. Article 4 Section 2 was given power through the ____ Slave Act
  21. 39. Article 1 Section 4 says Congress must meet once every ___.
  22. 43. How many amendments does the Bill of Rights have?
  23. 47. Article 2 Section 3 states that that the President must give a yearly ____ to the nation
  24. 48. Article 1 Section 2 says that the representatives in the House of Representatives are determined by?
  25. 49. Amendment 1 covers how many freedoms?
  26. 50. Article 3 Section 1 establishes the ____ Court
  27. 51. Article 2 Section 4 explains that anyone in Office may be Impeached if they are convicted of treason, ____, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
  28. 54. Article 1 Section 8 says that Congress can pass taxes and establish and maintain what to benefit the US.
  29. 55. Amendment 26 states that citizens must be ____ year old get to vote.
  30. 56. What amendment states the right to remain silent
  31. 57. Article 1 Section 3 says a ___ of the Senate office is replaced every two years
  32. 58. Amendment 25 addresses who becomes ___ if the current one dies or resigns
  1. 2. Article 5 establishes how to change what?
  2. 3. Article 1 Section 9 are the powers denied to?
  3. 5. Amendment 13 abolished
  4. 8. Article 2 Section 2 states that the President has a group of advisors called?
  5. 10. Amendment 18
  6. 11. Article 1 Section 1 says there are two houses of ___
  7. 14. Article 2 Section 1 establishes the office of the ___ and the Vice-President.
  8. 17. Article 6 states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the ___
  9. 18. Amendment 24 prohibits ___ taxes
  10. 19. Amendment 7 ensures right of ___ by jury
  11. 24. Amendment 22: Restricts the Presidential ___ to two.
  12. 26. Amendment 19 states that ___ get the right to vote.
  13. 29. Article 2 Section 1 states Presidents are elected by the ___. (Two words)
  14. 30. Article 1 Section 7 says that the President can either sign or __ a bill.
  15. 33. Article 1 Section 5 says that Congress cannot meet without the ___ number present.
  16. 34. Article 4 Section 3 established the ____ of new states
  17. 35. Amendment 14 sets basis for
  18. 36. Amendment 3 prohibits the what of soldiers
  19. 40. What amendment states no cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
  20. 41. Amendment 9 is about ___ Rights
  21. 42. Article 1 Section 3 says who is the president of the Senate. (Two words)
  22. 44. Amendment 6 states the right to a speedy and public trial, by an ___ jury
  23. 45. Amendment 21 ____ Amendment 18
  24. 46. Amendment 23 allows the District of ____ to vote like a state.
  25. 52. What amendment states allows Congress to collect income tax
  26. 53. Article 1 Section 6 says that members cannot hold any other what while in Congress?