US Court System

  1. 3. A minor crime
  2. 4. A group of citizens who hear and decide if an accused person in guilty.
  3. 5. Breaking the law
  4. 7. A person being accused of wrongdoing
  5. 10. A judge who sits on a Supreme Court
  6. 13. A major crime
  7. 14. An argument; lawsuit
  8. 16. A pretrial hearing or meeting
  9. 17. Amendment protects us from unreasonable search & seizure.
  10. 18. Amendment protects us from unfair state government actions.
  1. 1. To hear a case for the first time
  2. 2. A decision in a court case made by a judge or jury
  3. 4. A court's authority to hear a case
  4. 6. Amendment guarantees rights of the accused (speedy trial)
  5. 8. To hear a case for the first time
  6. 9. Amendment protects us from excessive bail/cruel and unusual punishment.
  7. 10. A public officer who hears and decides cases in court
  8. 11. A person filing a complaint in a civil lawsuit
  9. 12. An accused person's response to a criminal charge.
  10. 15. Amendment protects us from unfair federal government actions