US History 11 B, Part 2 Review
- 4. fell in 1989, a symbol of the loss of communist control over much of Eastern Europe
- 6. Weapons of "MDs", never found in Iraq before or after the 2003 war
- 8. dictator of Iraq
- 10. this president was impeached in 1999 over lying about an affair under oath. Was acquitted
- 11. Supreme Court case that decided the closest election in our history
- 14. largest domestic terror incident in US history, connected to Ruby Ridge and Waco
- 15. first female Supreme Court justice, mostly conservative but upheld abortion rights
- 18. battle in Afghanistan that saw 56 hours of intense bombing and bin Laden’s escape
- 19. historic election of the first black president
- 1. launched in 1990-91 to rid Kuwait of Saddam Hussein.
- 2. Islamic fundamentalist who ran Afghanistan before 9/11 and are now back in control
- 3. the worst terrorist attack in US history occurred in this month; perpetrated by al Qaeda
- 5. focusing on helping business with lower taxes and deregulation to spur production
- 7. the US sold weapons to Iran for hostages and sent the money to the Contras in Nicaragua
- 9. cutting government rules and control over private businesses
- 12. began in 2003; saw the overthrow of Saddam and a civil war between the Shia and the Sunnis
- 13. Peace agreement between Israel and Egypt brokered by President Carter
- 16. fundamental Islamic terrorist group led by Osama bin Laden
- 17. this election was decided by the Supreme Court