us history
- 2. Which ship did Columbus sail on?
- 4. Who won Marbury v Madison?
- 5. Where is the Erie Canal?
- 6. Who drafted the bill of rights?
- 9. who won king Phillips war?
- 13. who surrendered at the battle of yorktown?
- 15. Where was the first women's rights convention?
- 16. What month did the Boston Massacre happen in?
- 18. who set off the French-Indian war?
- 19. John C. Calhoun begins what crisis?
- 21. when did the Continental Congress adopt the Declaration of Independence?
- 24. The "Shot Heard 'Round the World" started what war?
- 25. who won Dredd Scott vs. Sandford?
- 1. Where did the Constitutional Convention happen?
- 3. who goes to battle over the Second Bank of the US?
- 7. where did the mayflower depart from?
- 8. where did the Salem witch trials happen?
- 10. Who burned the capitol of the United States?
- 11. Who did President Jefferson buy the Louisiana Purchase from?
- 12. the first permanent colony?
- 14. who introduced the telegraph?
- 17. who kidnapped the first slaves?
- 20. Whats the trail called that was from the Indian removal act?
- 22. who taught native Americans to plant corn?
- 23. Where was the first discovery of gold in California?