US History 2 Final Exam Practice

  1. 2. The ___ Pact was the alliance of Communist countries during the Cold War
  2. 4. Widespread fear of communism in the United States
  3. 6. Laws in the South that kept society racially segregated
  4. 8. President Reagan supported ___-side economic theory of cutting taxes to promote job growth
  5. 9. Coalition of religious and fiscally conservative voters in the 1980s
  6. 10. Term for what the US did to Japanese citizens during World War II
  7. 13. Type of family made up of a father, mother and 2-3 kids
  8. 14. The Camp ___ Accords was the treaty between Israel and Egypt brokered by President Carter
  9. 18. Village where American soldiers were accused of committing atrocities in Vietnam
  10. 19. Segregation enforced by law
  11. 21. Idea that Communism should be kept in its existing borders
  12. 22. The March on ___ was where MLK gave his "I Have a Dream" speech
  13. 24. Abbreviation for the alliance of democratic countries during the Cold War
  14. 25. Economic issue combining rising prices and high unemployment
  15. 28. A generation ___ is the different ideas and beliefs between age groups in society
  16. 30. Campaign by the Nazis to wipe out Jewish people and other undesirables during World War II
  17. 31. The ___ Doctrine said the US would help any countries threatened by Communism
  18. 32. Belief that men and women should be equal in society
  1. 1. City that needed supplies airlifted to it after being blockaded by Stalin
  2. 3. Silent ___ was a book by Rachel Carson supporting the environmental movement
  3. 5. The ___ Missile Crisis was started by Soviet nuclear weapons placed near the US
  4. 7. The imaginary border between Communist and democratic countries during the Cold War
  5. 10. The hostage crisis in this country involved 66 Americans held for 444 days
  6. 11. Segregation enforced by custom, tradition or history
  7. 12. Strategic ___ Initiative was designed to shoot down nuclear missiles with lasers
  8. 15. Term for rebel South Vietnamese fighting the US in the Vietnam War
  9. 16. Free-trade agreement between the US, Canada and Mexico
  10. 17. The Great ___ was a plan by Lyndon B. Johnson to fight poverty and racism
  11. 20. Type of protest that involved refusing to move from a restaurant until being served
  12. 22. Scandal that led to the resignation of President Nixon
  13. 23. The huge number of children being born after World War II
  14. 26. First man-made satellite sent into orbit
  15. 27. The United Farm Workers union was led by Cesar ___
  16. 29. ___ Theory was the idea that if one country fell to communism, others would too