US History

  1. 5. Legislation related to stock market regulation
  2. 7. Economic policy of the 1920s
  3. 8. Treaty that ended World War I
  4. 12. U.S. president during the majority of WWII
  5. 13. The right to vote
  6. 14. Program to pull the U.S. out of the Great Depression
  7. 15. Famous speech given by Martin Luther King, Jr.
  8. 17. U.S. economic policy where tax cuts for the wealthy benefit all
  9. 19. Post-WWII struggle between the U.S. and Soviet Union
  1. 1. 1961 failed invasion attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro
  2. 2. WWII icon for working women
  3. 3. Major event that caused the Great Depression
  4. 4. A group that exposed corruption in the early 1900s
  5. 6. Law to end segregation in public schools
  6. 9. Attack on December 7, 1941
  7. 10. The military alliance formed to combat communism
  8. 11. War that started in 1950 with North Korean invasion
  9. 16. Legislation regulating meat inspection
  10. 18. Program that employed young men in public works during the New Deal