U.S. History EOC Review Crossword 3

  1. 1. Canal built in Central America that connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
  2. 4. Owner of the New York Journal who sensationalized news in order to sell more papers.
  3. 6. Acronym for Woodrow Wilson's million man force.
  4. 8. The ____________ Amendment replaced the Teller Amendment and stated, among other things, that Cuba would place naval bases at the disposal of the U.S.
  5. 11. Compulsory military service, or the "draft," is also known as ________________.
  6. 12. Famous writer who was a strong voice for anti-imperialism.
  7. 13. The Teller Amendment promised that the U.S. would not annex __________, even if it won the Spanish-American War.
  8. 15. After World War I, thousands of African Americans left the South for work in the North and Midwest in what became known as the Great ________________.
  9. 16. Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the terms of the Treaty of ________________ between Russia and Japan.
  10. 19. Colorful term for a style of journalism that sensationalizes and distorts the news.
  11. 20. In 1918, the ______________ Act made it a crime to use "disloyal" or "abusive language" about the government, flag, or Constitution.
  12. 22. Men who refused to serve in World War I because it violated their religious beliefs were called _______________ objectors.
  13. 24. The volunteers who served along with regular army units during the Spanish-American War were known as the "____________ ___________."
  14. 25. A group of friendly nations formed to support a common cause is known as an ________________.
  15. 26. The _____________ powers consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.
  16. 27. In 1917, Congress passed the __________ Act, which created procedures for detecting and imprisoning spies.
  1. 2. The invention of _______________ was a great help in reconnaissance from the sky during World War I.
  2. 3. The use of poison gas to kill in war is called _______________ warfare.
  3. 5. One-sided information designed to persuade listeners.
  4. 7. Archduke Francis __________________, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, was assassinated by Slavic nationalists in 1914 sparking what would lead to World War I.
  5. 9. The Spanish-American War lasted ____________ months.
  6. 10. Glorification of the military and the consideration of military over civilian interests.
  7. 14. The War ________________ Board coordinated America's wartime manufacturing.
  8. 17. The final peace treaty negotiated by Wilson at the end of World War I was the Treaty of ________________.
  9. 18. Conscription was established by the ________________ _______________ Act.
  10. 21. The term for the rule of one country by another.
  11. 23. The ____________ Manifesto urged Americans to seize Cuba if Spain would not sell it to the U.S.
  12. 25. The ____________ powers consisted of Britain, France, and Russia.