US History Exam #2 Review

  1. 9. Abraham Lincoln became President and the country broke up into Union and Confederacy.
  2. 11. Conflict between North and South. More than 620,000 people died.
  3. 12. Created a pathway for new states to join the USA. Took land from Louisiana. Slavery was banned here.
  4. 13. the idea that God told Americans to move west and take over North America for themselves
  5. 15. Part of the country that seceded from the United States over slavery. Mostly agricultural economy. Wore gray uniforms.
  6. 17. Law signed by Jackson that forced Native Americans to move West of the Mississippi River
  7. 18. Very important Civil War Battle where many soldiers died. Lincoln gave a big speech here.
  1. 1. First government document of the United States. Took the ideas of "life, liberty, and" equality from John Locke and the Enlightenment.
  2. 2. Major body of water that the United States got from France. Helped the United States ship goods to Europe and the East Coast more easily.
  3. 3. The Civil War begins
  4. 4. What the North did to make money (economy) and what helped them win the war
  5. 5. The Civil War ends
  6. 6. Last battle of the Civil War. General Grant Offers General Lee the opportunity to surrender and not be bothered by the US government.
  7. 7. Enslaved man that sued for his freedom and lost. The Supreme Court ruled that Black people were not citizens and could not become citizens.
  8. 8. the Confederacy withdrew from the United States
  9. 10. Thomas Jefferson got this from France in 1803. Doubled the size of the United States.
  10. 14. Part of the country that had more resources and was better able to supply its soldiers with food, weapons, and materials. Wore dark blue uniforms.
  11. 16. President that abused his power by acting like a king and sent Native Americans to the West