US History Facts

  1. 2. How many signers of the declaration of independence were British?
  2. 7. the smallest state
  3. 9. What country sold Alaska to the United States?
  4. 11. I-19 uses this system of measurement
  5. 14. Who was the tallest U.S. President
  6. 15. the first car released by Ford in 1908.
  7. 18. What is the happiest state in the US?
  8. 19. how many great lakes are there?
  9. 20. This animal was up to 2,000 LBs and are up to 6 ft tall
  1. 1. Location of the first U.S. capital
  2. 3. the Civil War was about____
  3. 4. What state can you get a unicorn hunting license in?
  4. 5. The Deadliest Job In the Country
  5. 6. Who gave the U.S. the statue of liberty?
  6. 8. Alexander Hamilton developed the first____.
  7. 10. This coin costs more to make than it is worth
  8. 12. how old was the person who designed the current U.S. flag?
  9. 13. the empire state building has its own _______.
  10. 16. Month of independence
  11. 17. the British were defeated where?