US History Midterm Crossword

  1. 3. ______ Party in the early 20th century that sought reform in favor of equality
  2. 4. Network of farmers that worked for political and economic reforms in the late 1800's
  3. 5. _______ Act 1862 law that gave 160 acres of land to persons willing to live on and cultivate it for 5 years
  4. 6. Belief by some that certain nations and races were superior to others and therefore destined to rule over them
  5. 9. Lincoln ___-_____ Plan proposed post Civil War. Wanted to allow Confederated states reentrance into the union when 10% of its citizens pledge loyalty oath to the Union
  6. 11. POTUS who came into power after Lincoln assassination and began Reconstruction which ultimately failed (LAST NAME)
  7. 13. Human rights that cannot be taken away, denied, or given up
  8. 14. Civil Rights advocate, pushed for African Americans to have economic value then strive for equality
  9. 15. ____-_____ party formed 1848 dedicated to preventing the spread of slavery into western territories
  10. 16. ________ _______ Service Act created civil service system for FED GOV in attempt to hire employees based on merit rather than spoil system
  11. 17. _____ Party formed to advocate for more money supply for small business in order to decrease the power and corruption of big business
  1. 1. _______ ______ Commission First FED agency monitoring business operations, specifically overseeing interstate railroad procedures
  2. 2. Rights that people are born with and are independent from government or cultural laws
  3. 7. Period post civil war in which the federal government controlled states that had seceded from the Union
  4. 8. Acts that made it a federal offense to interfere with a citizens' right to vote
  5. 10. Group in which fought for women at the state and national level and would eventually gain women right to vote(Abbreviation)
  6. 12. Bill required 50% of citizens in former Confederate states to pledge to the Union for readmission