US History: Study Guide for Postwar Times
- 4. This term means that communities, especially around interstates all started to look like each other.
- 6. This acronym is most commonly used to refer to WW2 soldiers.
- 8. The 1950s was considered the "Golden Age of _______________"
- 10. The two factors that influenced Americans to buy cars the most was _____________________ and easy credit.
- 15. Material goods purchased that are wants instead of just needs:
- 17. This invention during the 1950s allowed for more trackable financial transactions and greatly increased personal debt across America.
- 19. One of President Truman's best accomplishments as President was doing this to the armed forces:
- 20. Houses in the ___________________ all looked similar and were appealing because they were close to the city, represented the "American Dream" and were affordable to the average American.
- 21. This man ran under the slogan "I like Ike".
- 24. Besides becoming President, Eisenhower's other notable accomplishment was being a successful ____________________.
- 26. The name given to the generation born from the 1940s-1960s.
- 1. Truman was unpopular in the ____________ because he opposed the Jim Crow/segregation laws.
- 2. Elderly and _______________________ were the most common groups living below the poverty line in Postwar America
- 3. Economists predicted America would go into another ___________________ because of inflation after WW2. They were wrong because they hadn't considered the savings Americans had amassed.
- 5. This man was known as the "King of Rock n' Roll."
- 7. The American economy experienced this right after WW2.
- 9. This group experienced issues returning home after WW2, including PTSD, and worrying about jobs and family.
- 11. Rock n' Roll music mostly appealed to this age group during the 1950s:
- 12. ______________ culture influenced the layout of American cities the most.
- 13. The ___________________ family was idealized as the "perfect" family during the Postwar times.
- 14. In addition to marriage age decreasing and people feeling safe in the economy, men returning from ___________ was a big reason for the Baby Boom.
- 16. Movies, music, and entertainment that was widely consumed across America and easily recognized by a majority of people:
- 18. President Truman threatened to do this to striking workers.
- 22. A vaccine for this condition was a vital invention during Postwar times. (FDR suffered from it)
- 23. This is a business that offers similar products or services in multiple locations.
- 25. 1948 election winner.