US History Unit 5

  1. 3. Upton Sinclair book about meat packing
  2. 5. Against founding principles to be Imperialist
  3. 6. Voided due to gold discovery
  4. 10. Increased American Labor Movement
  5. 11. Role in Central Pacific RR
  6. 14. RR Fulfilled Manifest Destiny
  7. 17. Enables steel to be mass-produced
  8. 20. Jane Addams home for homeless
  9. 21. Standard Oil controlled oil refining
  10. 23. Organized all workers
  11. 24. Controlled nation's steel industry
  12. 27. Fake Press pushing exaggerated stories
  13. 29. and Referendums Empowers voters
  1. 1. Election of Senators
  2. 2. Immigrants rigorously vetted
  3. 4. National Parks established
  4. 7. Use military to promote economic policies
  5. 8. Enforced segregation
  6. 9. Seperate but Equal is okay
  7. 12. Role in Union Pacific RR
  8. 13. US helped overthrow Panama to get land
  9. 15. Wrote about Government Reg. of business
  10. 16. Set up war against Spain
  11. 18. Led to Oil and Steel industries gaining power
  12. 19. Final confrontation between US and Indians
  13. 22. Vetting was simple
  14. 25. Organized skilled workers
  15. 26. Allowed businesses to communicate efficiently
  16. 28. Allowed factories to operate at night