US Overseas crossword Gideon

  1. 2. Brazil, Chile, Argentina
  2. 5. us says they don't want cuba
  3. 8. first tried by the french finish by us
  4. 10. avoiding foreign alliances
  5. 11. ship exploded in havana harbor
  6. 12. purchase of alaska
  7. 14. many people tried to get the panama canal by
  8. 16. led 15000 soldiers to capture villa
  9. 17. china wanting foreign countries out
  10. 19. says everyone should have some of china
  11. 20. sent to japan to get them to trade with us
  1. 1. economic intervention in countries
  2. 3. negotiated many treaties us secretary of state
  3. 4. last monarch in hawaii
  4. 6. allowed countries to ship sugar to us free
  5. 7. limited cuba's right to make treaties
  6. 9. exaggerated new stories
  7. 13. bonus payment by the government
  8. 15. us polices western hemisphere
  9. 18. building an empire by founding colonies