US Presidents

  1. 4. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
  2. 6. "Four score and seven years ago"
  3. 9. Fire-side chats. Alphabet Soup Programs. Great Depression. (initials)
  4. 11. General During WWII.
  5. 14. First Black President.
  6. 15. Union General during the Civil War. Face is on the $50 bill.
  7. 16. First President of the United States.
  8. 17. Wrote the Declaration of Independence.
  9. 18. War on Poverty. Vietnam. (initials)
  1. 1. President During WW1. Fourteen-Points.
  2. 2. Watergate.
  3. 3. Father of The Constitution.
  4. 5. Trail of Tears. Face is on the $20 Bill.
  5. 7. War in Iraq.
  6. 8. Used the Atomic Bombs on Japan. Korean War.
  7. 10. Trickle-Down Economics. "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
  8. 12. Broke up monopolies and created National Parks.
  9. 13. President from Georgia. Great Humanitarian, but not a good president.
  10. 17. The Space Race. Assassinated in Dallas Texas. (initials)