U.S. States
- 4. State where Rocky Mountains are located.
- 8. Last state to join the United States.
- 10. This state is home to Las Vegas.
- 11. This state is located the furthest north and gets real cold.
- 13. Where the Statue of Liberty is located (2 words).
- 14. You cross the northern California border you're in this state.
- 16. Seattle is located in this Pacific Northwest state.
- 17. This state has 4 "I's" in it but can't see.
- 1. Where the Grand Canyon is located.
- 2. Home state to Disney World.
- 3. State located just north of Florida (look at a map).
- 5. Its capital is Salt Lake City.
- 6. This state is home to cities like Dallas and San Antonio.
- 7. Its capital is Sacramento.
- 9. Its capital is Chicago.
- 12. Last state alphabetically.
- 15. Its capital is Lansing but people think it's Detroit.