Use Ephesians 4:17-32 ESV to solve the puzzle.

  1. 5. nations; in this case, non-Christians (v17)
  2. 8. "darkened in their __" (v18)
  3. 9. pursuit of pleasure; doing what FEELS right (v19)
  4. 10. "put on the __ __" (v24)
  5. 12. "corrupt through __ desires" (v22)
  1. 1. "we are __ of one another" (v25)
  2. 2. unfeeling; insensitive (v19)
  3. 3. separated (v18)
  4. 4. not understanding; lack of knowledge (v18)
  5. 6. "be renewed in the spirit of your __" (v23)
  6. 7. uselessness for doing good (v17)
  7. 11. "put off your __ __" (v22)