school work

  1. 2. Person who studies and maps the planets and stars.
  2. 4. An extra amount of something.
  3. 5. Ancient Sumerian writing. Contains about 1,200 wedge shaped marks.
  4. 6. Small particles of soil.
  5. 9. A worker in a skilled trade or job. Especially one that involves making things by hand.
  6. 11. A long poem that records the deeds of a legendary or real hero from the past.
  7. 13. Many lands governed by one ruler.
  1. 1. The belief in many gods and goddesses.
  2. 3. A system to supply water to dry land. Often uses ditches, levies, pipes, or streams.
  3. 5. A self-governing city that controls surrounding territory and is not part of a larger government.
  4. 7. One of the world's first civilizations. Means “Land between two rivers.”
  5. 8. A system of rules that regulates the actions of individuals that can be enforced by penalties and punishments.
  6. 10. A person who copies or writes out records.
  7. 12. A large building with a temple at its peak. Means “to rise high.”