USH Ch 19-1 Name____________________________

  1. 3. He looked strong and was considered the winner of the TV debate.
  2. 4. An extension of the Cold War tension, the Soviets put up a wall surrounding West Berlin to keep East Berliners from escaping to the West.
  3. 6. This sent American volunteers around the world on goodwill "missions of freedom."
  4. 7. Cuba's communist leader that allied with the Soviets.
  5. 8. A direct telephone line from the White House to Moscow.
  6. 9. This ended above ground testing in 1963.
  7. 11. This resurected America's good neighbor policy in Latin American countries.
  1. 1. Soviet leader that agreed to pull the missiles if the US would remove missiles from Turkey.
  2. 2. When the Soviets attempted to put Nukes in Cuba in 1962.
  3. 5. He sounded presidential and was considered the winner of the radio debate.
  4. 7. The ability to use nikes or conventional warfare.
  5. 10. A CIA plot to use Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro. It failed miserably and made the US look bad.