USII History Review

  1. 2. Era of high unemployment and poverty
  2. 4. Agency created to help the former slaves
  3. 10. Large countries bullying weaker countries
  4. 11. A Powerful voice for voting rights
  5. 12. People moving to cities from rural areas
  6. 13. American battleship that blew up
  7. 15. Blending in with the larger culture
  8. 16. Using violence to achieve political goals
  9. 17. Great Britain, France, the U.S., and Russia
  10. 19. Staying out of other countries' affairs
  11. 21. Laws that enforced segregation in the South
  12. 23. the effort to make alcohol illegal
  1. 1. Moving from one nation to another
  2. 3. Moving from agriculture to factories
  3. 5. Increased connections between nations
  4. 6. Separation of the races in public life
  5. 7. labor Kids having to work in dangerous jobs
  6. 8. Ship sunk by German submarines before WWI
  7. 9. Someone trying to improve and reform American society
  8. 14. Exaggerated over the top news stories
  9. 18. Woodrow Wilson's idea to prevent wars
  10. 20. Countries depending on each other
  11. 22. Line Production method to make cars cheaper