Val Through the Years

  1. 1. best cook
  2. 4. famous sportscaster
  3. 6. years of service
  4. 11. best vin
  5. 14. sip
  6. 15. Any ?
  7. 16. forthright
  8. 17. best munchie
  9. 18. No bullshit (phrase)
  10. 19. Val’s persona
  11. 21. 4 legged creature
  12. 23. the final case
  1. 1. the city hospital way
  2. 2. XVII
  3. 3. common expression
  4. 5. 423
  5. 7. champion golf team
  6. 8. best advocate
  7. 9. click of the heads
  8. 10. favorite nut
  9. 12. 8-6 shift
  10. 13. frequent breakfast food
  11. 15. lub dub
  12. 17. abbreviation of school
  13. 20. no tension
  14. 22. Val driving