- 3. Valentines Month
- 6. Most famous love story of all time
- 9. Food of love
- 10. Old fashioned term for dating
- 12. Person who brings 2 people together for the purpose of marriage
- 13. Love at First Swipe
- 15. Ladies option on February 29th
- 16. Dublin Slang for Girlfriend
- 17. Aromatic, Eelegant, Fragrant
- 20. Endeared from afar
- 21. Cork Slang for dating
- 1. Arrangement of 17 across
- 2. Ticker
- 4. Amorous and affectionate
- 5. The first online dating website
- 7. Roses are Red, Violets....
- 8. Term of endearment for a romantic couple
- 10. Official mascot of Valentines Day
- 11. The City of Love
- 14. Cupids weapon for sparkling love
- 18. Get married by Elvis here
- 19. Patron Saint of Love