Valentine's Day

  1. 3. This holiday is all about_____
  2. 4. A box of ___________
  3. 7. Hugs and _________, xoxo
  4. 8. February 13th, for the ladies
  5. 12. Heart shaped candy with words
  1. 1. A Celtic symbol of love, loyalty, and friendship
  2. 2. St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers, epileptics, and ____________
  3. 4. When struck by him, you fall in love
  4. 5. And I will _______ love you
  5. 6. A dozen for your sweetheart
  6. 9. Number ##’s projectile of choice
  7. 10. Number ##’s Greek name
  8. 11. A common symbol of love