Valentine's Day 2022

  1. 3. An area in Raleigh of our first official date, years ago and in 2020
  2. 7. The angel who introduced us
  3. 9. What we call our imaginary husky
  4. 11. Our Italian restaurant anniversary "tradition"
  5. 12. The location of the film series we'd put on after going out in Raleigh
  6. 14. Common street name we lived on as children
  7. 18. The ____ rule I say is an indicator of longterm success
  8. 19. Our favorite game with wine
  9. 22. The nickname we regularly shout around the house
  10. 23. The most beautiful feature on Vic
  11. 24. First city we traveled to together
  12. 27. A coffee shop at Elon and a fabulous house in Inside Wade
  13. 29. The animal we imitate all too frequently
  14. 30. Our first shared apartment complex
  15. 32. Number of states we've been to together
  1. 1. Name of the PR firm I recently worked for
  2. 2. Yummy treat we "played" with on a previous Valentine's Day for a real treat
  3. 4. I gave you this for Secret Santa
  4. 5. Our group chat with Annie and Cody
  5. 6. Plucky plucky
  6. 8. Fill in the blank: Mr. & Mrs. _____
  7. 10. The restaurant of our first Valentine's Day date
  8. 13. Our team name for CG Games 2019
  9. 15. The person who said "I love you" first
  10. 16. The month we met in 2016
  11. 17. The person who fell in love first
  12. 20. The bar where we first met
  13. 21. The first wedding we went to for Jorrie and ___, apparently as wedding crashers
  14. 25. A quality I've said I really admire in you, your __________
  15. 26. Jenny's fav childhood spot, and now adult spot
  16. 28. The estate where we're getting married
  17. 31. The region of Italy that the Caro's are from