Valentine's Day and Single's Awareness Day

  1. 3. - Period of twenty-four hours; also, Valentine's or Single's Awareness
  2. 9. - Strong affection or deep emotional attachment
  3. 10. - Jewelry worn around the neck
  4. 11. - Relationship or link between people
  5. 12. - Expression of affection through touching lips
  6. 13. - Confidence in the reliability or honesty of someone
  7. 14. - Feeling or state of mind
  8. 15. - Enjoyable or amusing activity
  9. 16. Awareness - Recognition of individuals not in romantic relationships
  1. 1. - To hug or hold closely
  2. 2. - Feeling of being alone or isolated
  3. 4. - Fondness or tenderness towards someone
  4. 5. - Celebration of love on February 14th
  5. 6. - Symbol of love and affection
  6. 7. - Something given to show affection or appreciation
  7. 8. - Intense emotion or enthusiasm