Valentine's Day Clue

  1. 3. Wait a minute, ...
  2. 5. Location of our first date
  3. 6. Here we go ______!
  4. 8. She had twenty Grand Slam titles before unretiring from tennis
  5. 10. A mindbending movie that felt way too long, or did you just dream it was that long?
  6. 11. The number of states we have been to together since dating
  7. 16. The song you were listening to when you realized you loved me
  8. 17. You spotted this "god" in your Spanish homework
  9. 20. Her birthday is December 1st
  10. 21. The maiden name of my earring accomplice
  11. 26. The two things we would say before saying goodnight on each call
  12. 27. Where we went on the night of our first kiss
  13. 28. Paul's alter ego
  14. 29. I've been both the ______ and the prey
  15. 31. What breed is Cooper?
  16. 33. Your happy place
  17. 34. Our song
  18. 35. "This is a _____ __ ______. This is a worthwhile fight"
  1. 1. Happy _______ ____ Genesis! I love you more than anything else on this earth. I am so lucky to be able to call you my girlfriend and the love of my life.
  2. 2. I don't want to think of anything else now that I've thought of ___
  3. 4. "Even though we ain't got ______, I'm so in love with you honey."
  4. 7. I'm here wondering "Where did my baby go?"
  5. 9. All I need is one word: rolls
  6. 12. We invaded this place
  7. 13. Nickname of everyone's favorite French bulldog
  8. 14. I don't want to look at anything else now that I saw ___
  9. 15. Name of a ride at King's Island
  10. 18. Pip ______
  11. 19. When you said, "Think of something random," Perry says, "______"
  12. 22. I call you Genesis, but your family calls you _____
  13. 23. I can't thank him enough for putting you in my life
  14. 24. When I met Uncle Chucky, he told me to never do this, and it has still stuck with me
  15. 25. Your baby
  16. 30. "I like shiny things but I'd marry you with ..."
  17. 32. The name of the place we ate lunch when you came to Hope and surprised me is the ______ restaurant