Valentine's Day Trivia

  1. 2. State that produces the most of America's red roses
  2. 3. Oxytocin is a brain chemical known as the cuddle or _____ hormone
  3. 6. 85% of all Valentines sold are bought by who
  4. 7. Insanely popular website that debuted on Valentine's Day in 2005
  5. 9. Cupid's name in Greek mythology
  6. 11. Increases most people's heart rate by at least 110 beats per minute
  1. 1. Where you wear your heart
  2. 2. Americans spend about $1billion on this for Valentine's Day each year
  3. 4. Candy first created on equipment made for lozenges
  4. 5. About 50 millions of these are sent for Valentine's Day each year
  5. 8. Major invention patented on Valentine's Day
  6. 10. Valentine's Day is known as Friend's Day in this country