Valentine's Day

  1. 2. Beer ____ _____ on a Friday night.
  2. 4. what is the 8th month and what follows the #24
  3. 10. Gonna lay in the hot sun and ____ _ ___ ___ ___.
  4. 11. I got my ____ in the water.
  5. 12. Deep Now I'm ______ ________ in the water somewhere.
  6. 13. Synonym for voucher?
  7. 15. Camping chairs are also called ____ chairs.
  1. 1. a town in indy.
  2. 3. Let's ____ the world.
  3. 5. Annie Sweetheart I've been livin in a fantasy.
  4. 6. you own two pairs that you wear on your feet.
  5. 7. _ac _rown _band
  6. 8. what is February 14th?
  7. 9. we live in the?
  8. 14. Fried Filled with love that grown in southern ground and a little bit of _____ ____