
  1. 3. Alien that turns you into zombies
  2. 5. "My entire team is babies!"
  3. 12. Not your average theoretical physicist
  4. 13. "Prancin' about with their heads full'of eyeballs,"
  5. 16. Giant alien worm
  6. 18. .api
  7. 19. He grants you the powerful RPG at the lighthouse
  8. 21. American-loving psycho with a shovel
  9. 23. Alien with a long tongue
  10. 24. Kid from boston
  1. 1. he builds more gun
  2. 2. Your average scout, just more obnoxious and with green paint.
  3. 4. Nice HECU soldier
  4. 6. Green alien with three arms
  5. 7. Aliens that enslave Earth and drain it of its resources
  6. 8. Portal speedrun without portals
  7. 9. He made a deal with the devil
  8. 10. He owes you a beer
  9. 11. mute maniac
  10. 14. man from New Zealand
  11. 15. frenchie
  12. 17. the product of the greatest minds of the generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived.
  13. 20. "_______ MAKE ME STRONG"
  14. 22. Genetic life-form and disc operating system