Vehicle Traffic Stops

  1. 4. minor criminal offense
  2. 5. under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  3. 6. force used by officers in which they use their car to nudge a fleeing vehicle to force the car to stop
  4. 7. occurs when a traffic law is violated by a vehicle in motion
  5. 9. action of chasing down a fleeing vehicle
  6. 10. carefully planned actions
  7. 11. serious criminal offense
  8. 12. document issued by legal authority to make an arrest
  1. 1. violation of a law; less severe than a misdemeanor or a felony
  2. 2. occurs when a traffic law is violated by a stationary vehicle
  3. 3. tire deflating devices
  4. 8. (MDT)computerized device located in a police vehicle, used to retrieve data