Vehicles (Japanese to English)

  1. 5. A country's warships are managed by its _______.
  2. 6. 戦艦 is _________ in English.
  3. 9. The English term for 馬力 is ________________.
  4. 12. In English, a 原潜 is called a ______________submarine.
  5. 13. ____________is 外観 in Japanese.
  6. 14. In English, 空母 aircraft ________________.
  1. 1. English speakers call 第二次世界大戦 _________War II.
  2. 2. In English, 戦闘機 is _____________.
  3. 3. 潜水艦 is ___________ in English.
  4. 4. In Japanese, _________ is 内装
  5. 7. In Japanese, 定員 means “number of _____________”.
  6. 8. In English, a ステルス爆撃機 is called a stealth _____________.
  7. 10. The person who flies a plane is called a __________.
  8. 11. In English, a 高級車 is called a ___________car.