Vencer School
- 3. The color of the sun
- 8. The principal of Vencer school
- 9. your father´s father
- 11. Social media from Meta
- 13. Your P.E. coach
- 14. Twenty four hours is a...
- 15. A week has _____ days
- 16. The last name of this social media is Tok
- 17. Four plus two minus one
- 19. A day before Sunday
- 22. When you´re very tired you...
- 23. The coordinador of Vencer school
- 1. Neymar´s sport
- 2. Millie Bobby Brown´s character in a serie
- 4. The opposite of day
- 5. Styles. Singer of "Golden"
- 6. People love this day of the week
- 7. Middle name of your English teacher
- 10. A daughter of a king is a...
- 12. The person who cleans our school
- 18. The _____ of us, HBO serie
- 20. Fruit with the same name of a cellphone company
- 21. You use this to do your school exercises