Verbos Irregulares "stem changers" en Preteritos y Reflexives

  1. 2. to lay down self
  2. 6. I was at...
  3. 7. We shower ourselves.
  4. 10. It has been a year that.
  5. 11. I washed myself.
  6. 12. irregular stem for to have found out
  7. 14. to shower self
  8. 16. irregular preterite stem for to be feeling or at
  9. 19. It has been 3 hours that.
  10. 21. to wash self
  1. 1. You shave yourself.
  2. 3. stem for irregular preterite to have
  3. 4. It's been a month that...
  4. 5. They dry themselves.
  5. 8. to put your make up on self
  6. 9. I put myself to sleep.
  7. 13. Did you put the ....?
  8. 15. He was able to.
  9. 17. you placed it
  10. 18. they weren't able to
  11. 20. we had