Verbs in past tense

  1. 1. to the mall, to the movies to school, to university
  2. 2. soda, water, wine, champagne
  3. 4. to Japan, around the world
  4. 8. my baby sister, the househlod chores.
  5. 9. happy, tired, angry, enthusiastic
  6. 10. Math, English, for the exam
  7. 11. food in the market, groceries
  1. 1. the lottery, the competition, the soccer game
  2. 3. typical food, three meals, sushi
  3. 5. music, the news, to my friends
  4. 6. everyday, on weekedays, on weekends
  5. 7. movies, the news, TV shows
  6. 10. hello, good bye, nice to meet you