Very very sigma crossword about christmas
- 4. Who is Santa's favorite reindeer
- 5. What is the sound that Santa makes
- 6. What month is Christmas in.
- 8. Who is Santa's wife
- 9. What is Santa's oldest Elf
- 13. how fat is Santa hint he might be or might not be
- 15. Who is Santa's oldest reindeer
- 17. In the each day of Christmas song how many days are there
- 1. What are sort of songs are sung around Christmas
- 2. What is Santa's favortie food
- 3. Who announced that Christmas will be in December.
- 7. What country did Christmas originate from
- 9. What is Santa's real name.
- 10. How many reindeer does Santa have
- 11. what is Santa's phone number
- 12. What will Santa give you for Christmas if you are naughty
- 14. What is this crossword about
- 16. Is Christmas sigma