Veterinary Terminology

  1. 2. A device that determines respiratory rate and end tidal CO2
  2. 6. Procedure used to visually examine internal body structures in motion using radiation to project images on a fluorescent screen.
  3. 8. Abbreviation for Both ears
  4. 11. Abnormally slow breathing
  5. 14. Continous rate infusion
  6. 16. Abnormal heart rhythm
  7. 17. ELectrocardiograph
  8. 19. A stethoscope that is inserted down the esophagus to provide audible heart sounds
  9. 22. Removal of cells or tissues for examination
  10. 24. difficult breathing
  11. 25. suspension of breathing
  12. 27. "Bed sores"
  13. 28. Away from
  14. 29. Abbreviation for Left ear
  15. 30. Surgical incision into an intestine.
  16. 31. Abbreviation for Right ear
  17. 32. Capillary refill time
  18. 33. A colorless solution of formaldehyde used as a preservative for biological specimens.
  19. 34. Partial or complete collapse of the lung.
  20. 37. removal of tissue and foreign material to aid healing
  21. 38. precautions to prevent infection.
  1. 1. Induced loss of feeling or awareness
  2. 3. The procedure of visually examining inside the body.
  3. 4. Condition of having a short face
  4. 5. things that animals eat/swallow other than food/treats
  5. 7. That part of the anesthetic machine in which the flow of gases is directed through two unidirectional valves, one in an expiratory and one in an inspiratory tube.
  6. 8. A sterilization unit that creates high pressurized steam
  7. 9. disturbance in the heart rhythm resulting in fewer heartbeats than normal
  8. 10. "cone of shame"
  9. 12. Cloth(s) arranged over a patient’s body to provide a sterile field around the area
  10. 13. An incision into the abdominal cavity, also called a laparotomy.
  11. 15. Air in the pathway of the respiratory system that does not contribute to gas exchange
  12. 17. Release of breath
  13. 18. chemical agent that kills or prevents the growth of microorganisms
  14. 20. listening to heart or lung sounds
  15. 21. brain and spinal cord
  16. 23. Lying on back
  17. 26. Slow heart rate
  18. 30. Difficult or labored breathing during expiration.
  19. 35. Pain relief
  20. 36. Respiratory system injury following excessive circuit pressure changes