VIC #2 Set 1 - Jaiden

  1. 2. I watched the girl swipe her card and when it ____(ed), she got embarrassed.
  2. 6. I hate going to those scary haunted _________(s), I always get lost or lose my friends.
  3. 8. The teacher usually _________(s) the class.
  4. 11. Almost every subject has a different __________.
  5. 13. I should probably clear my storage, it is full of _____ and unneeded items.
  6. 14. Maya has an _________, which causes her to act out in public sometimes.
  7. 15. The ______ in teachers caused more students to be in classes.
  1. 1. to arouse suddenly; to startle
  2. 3. to make something seem less important
  3. 4. to ignite
  4. 5. used too often
  5. 7. a person who attacks cherished beliefs or established institutions
  6. 9. the specialized vocabulary of members of a group
  7. 10. spiteful
  8. 12. to blot out leaving no traces