Victoria & Nicholas
- 4. Where the couple live
- 5. Bride's favorite hobby
- 7. The proposal location
- 9. Groom's high school mascot
- 13. Name of the wedding venue
- 15. Instrument played by the groom as a child
- 16. Groom's birth month
- 18. Where the couple met
- 21. Who said "I love you" first
- 23. The bride's middle name
- 24. The couple's favorite movie
- 25. Name of the man of honor
- 1. The groom's favorite hobby
- 2. The groom's football team
- 3. Name of Bride's high school
- 6. Groom's favorite food
- 8. Name of the best man
- 10. Couple's favorite TV series
- 11. Bride's favorite color
- 12. The bride's occupation
- 14. Couple's first concert
- 17. Name of the couple's first pet
- 19. Number of years the couple has been together
- 20. Honeymoon destination
- 22. The proposal month