Victorias Revolutionary war crossword puzzle

  1. 2. What they dumped into the harbor?
  2. 3. Who got double crossed.
  3. 4. The Americans crossed this river to surprise the hessians.
  4. 6. What side was doing well during the winter.
  5. 8. Shot heard around the world.
  6. 9. lawyer for the British redcoats John ______.
  7. 11. How many colonies were there?
  8. 13. British leader.
  9. 14. who said ¨give me liberty or give me death¨
  10. 15. Man who traveled to France.
  1. 1. Where Washington decided to keep his men during winter.
  2. 5. Buckle stolen off shoes.
  3. 7. The American soldiers received this in the spring of 1778
  4. 10. The season the Americans started doing better.
  5. 12. Largest signature on the declaration of independence John ______.