Video Games

  1. 2. Fun and enjoyable
  2. 4. pink and a balloon
  3. 7. green tunic, and has a sword and shield
  4. 11. blocky, not the best graphics.
  5. 13. green and is Italian
  6. 14. shooting game filled with ink
  7. 16. lego, and lots of games on the website/app.
  8. 18. Red and Italian
  1. 1. yellow and an electric mouse
  2. 3. blue and fast
  3. 5. green and dinosaur like
  4. 6. red and from pokemon
  5. 8. main color red, and they made the first mario games.
  6. 9. is a princess.
  7. 10. can fly, and he is yellow
  8. 12. from the game starfox
  9. 15. console, main color is blue
  10. 17. console, and main color is green