Video Games

  1. 2. Bioshock Infinite City
  2. 4. _______ Wright: Ace Attorney
  3. 5. Main Character from Street Fighter
  4. 7. Sony Video Game Publisher
  5. 8. Kingdom Hearts Lead
  6. 11. The fictional city from Bioshock
  7. 12. Male protagonist from Resident Evil 2
  8. 13. Mario's Little Brother
  9. 15. Tekken character
  10. 17. Portal Antagonist
  11. 18. Persona 5 protaonist
  12. 20. Street Fighter Publisher
  13. 22. Kill Nazis
  14. 25. German Scientist from CoD Zombies
  15. 26. Resident Evil 3 Villain
  1. 1. Wario's Best Friend
  2. 3. ____ Mary (King of Fighters)
  3. 5. Sonic Villain
  4. 6. Sir ______ (Medievil)
  5. 7. Pokemon Mascot
  6. 9. Mortal ______
  7. 10. Doc _____ (Punch-Out!!)
  8. 14. Master Chief Series
  9. 16. Plants Vs. _______
  10. 17. Ganandorf Race
  11. 19. Johnny Cage's Daughter
  12. 21. Mario Princess
  13. 23. Tomb Raider Protagonist
  14. 24. Mario Company