Video Games

  1. 2. Link's weapon.
  2. 6. up Mario's money.
  3. 9. What you earn when you play a game.
  4. 10. Batman's acolyte.
  5. 11. What you need to play a video game. you hold it in your hands.
  6. 14. XBOX'S competitor.
  7. 15. Mario's power up.
  8. 16. Sonic's money.
  9. 18. Upgrade in the game.
  10. 19. Elf's weapon.
  1. 1. The thing you put in the console.
  2. 3. Best device to play Far Cry 4.
  3. 4. Device to play League of Legends.
  4. 5. You have a lot in games.
  5. 7. Visual support for a console.
  6. 8. Vader Vilain in Star Wars.
  7. 12. Mario's money.
  8. 13. The bad guy in the game.
  9. 15. What you need to buy games.
  10. 17. The principal character.