Vietnam and Korean War

  1. 1. All property and all means of production belong to the people as a group
  2. 2. 20th Century foreign policy theory believed if one land in a region came under the influence of Communists,then more would follow
  3. 4. Rule by the people
  4. 5. Germany, Italy and Japan's alliance during WWII
  5. 7. President Woodrow Wilson's ideas to end world wars
  6. 12. Policy to keep the Soviets from gaining control of other countries
  7. 13. When a country aligns with another country against a 3rd country
  8. 15. A competition among nations to get the most weapons
  9. 16. An international organization that came into use at the end of WWII that would help prevent future wars
  10. 19. Great Britain, United States and Russia's alliance during WWII.
  11. 20. A weapon of mass destruction 1st used by America against Japan in WWII
  1. 1. The alliances between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire during WWI
  2. 3. The treaty that was signed on June 28, 1919 to end WW1. One of the cause of WWII
  3. 6. The center of interactions between the eastern and western world until the end of WWI. Made up of southeastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa
  4. 8. The killing of an entire group of people (Germany's plan for getting rid of Jews)
  5. 9. The policy to relax tensions between the communists and the free world
  6. 10. A conflict of words and ideas between nations rather than armies
  7. 11. The area in between the opposing sides of the trenches during WWI
  8. 14. Political ideas that stress strong government control, military strength, and intense nationalism
  9. 17. America's policy of noninvolvement in European wars and avoidance of "entangling alliances."
  10. 18. Policy of allowing fascist countries to take over other countries by giving into demands in the hopes of avoiding a bigger conflict